+62-21-808 788 17

About X-ACDM


Introduction of X-ACDM

X-ACDM is an application to support A-CDM business processes at airports where A- CDM itself is a package of information-sharing activities, a role that involves all stackeholders at the airport. (airnav, airlines, dan airport). With the X-ACDM it is expected to be able to build trust, more realistic data, avoid data errors, predictable planning, and improve workflow performance. The X- ACDM displays all flight data that comes from and to all stackeholders. They can monitor, input, or update flight information according to their respective previllege. Before discussing the X-ACDM application further, the following will be discussed first about the cycle of a flight with A-CDM rules.

The flight cycle with A-CDM rules

The following is a flight cycle with A-CDM rules, where the data input process is described in each milestone (M1 to M16)


Based on the picture above, there are a few things to bear in mind if airport operations use A-CDM rules:

  1. All stackeholders must understand A-CDM rules as described in the milestone of A- CDM above in its entirety
  2. All stackeholders must understand their respective roles in each milestone so that the climate of collaborative decision making wakes up well. Here’s the detailed rules.


In cycles/ steps A-CDM, there are some abbreviations and terms to be understood.


Milestones Checkpoint Data Input Variable Data Source Note
MS 1 ATC flight plan activation
  • airline (operator)
  • registration number
  • aircraft type
  • callsign (arrival, departure)
  • origin/destination
  • SOBT org
airline/ground handler via flight planner manual input and automation sent to SIOPSKOM and ATC Systems
parking stand (PSTA dan PSTD) airport manual input
taxiway, runway airnav via ATC system manual input
MS 2 EOBT -2 hours CTOT dan ATOT (origin) airnav via ATFM system
  • CTOT (auto receive from origin)
  • input CTOT departure (send to destination)
  • CTOT default = TTOT
  • CTOT can be override by AIRNAV
MS 3 take of from outstation ELDT, EXIT, AXIT airnav via ATC System
  • EXIT: automatically from the VTT data master, after the airnav fills the taxiway
  • AXIT: calculated automatically (ALDT-AIBT)
MS 4 local radar update ELDT update
MS 5 Final approach ELDT final approach
Noted ELDT

  • ELDT and EDLT Milestone are data-dependent updates from Airnav for MS3 (DEP message), MS4 (FIR Entry), MS5 (Final Approach)
  • if there are EETs and ATOT_ORGs and Milestones of ELDTs instead of MS4 and MS5 then ELT = ATOT _ORG + EET and ELT MILESTONE = MS3
  • if there is an EET and CTOT_ORG and an ELDT MS empty or an ELdT MS = MS2 then the ELDt = CTOT _ORG + EET is and the ELT MILESTONE is MS2
MS 6 Landing ALDT airnav The aircraft is starting to touch down.
MS 7 In Block AIBT airport via siopskom
  • manual input
MS 8 AGHT AGHT airline via siopskom
  • AEGT-ACGT calculation results
  • if ACGT is empty, ACGT can be the same as AIBT, so
MS 9 TOBT update prior to TSAT TOBT airline via siopskom
  • manual input
  • If a TOBT is put in by an airline, then that’s what it’s used for.
  • The maximum TOBT update from the airline is 3 times,
    • if it has been updated 3 times then the airlines update will be in LOCK until TSAT < 5 minutes from the time now,
    • after which the TOBT value will be reset and airlines will be allowed to update Tobbt again
  •  Default TOBT = SOBT
  • But if MTTT is defined, then the difference of AIBT/EIBT + MTTt will be compared to SOBT/EOBT,
  • if the difference is < of SOB T/EOBT then TOBT = SOBt/EOBT
MS 10 TSAT issue TSAT airline via siopskom
  • manual input
  • If TSAT has input from Airnav then TSAT is used
  • Default, if TSAT is empty TSAT = TOBT + (a few minutes according to configuration with default 3 minutes)
MS 11 Boarding start ASBT airport via siopskom manual input
MS 12 Aircraft ready ARDT airnav via ATC sistem if empty, ARDT = AEGT
MS 13 start up request ASRT airnav via ATC sistem manual input
MS 14 Start up approved ASAT
MS 15 Off-block AOBT airport via siopskom
  • manual input
  • If TOBT is an update from the airline then EOBT = TOBT
  • If there is MTTT then EOBT = AIBT/EIBT + MTTT
    • if the result is < SOBT then EOBT = SOBT
    • if not then EOBT is the result of the previous calculation
MS 16 Take off ATOT airport via siopskom
  • If CTOT is an update from Airnav then TTOT = CTOT
  • If there is TSAT and EXOT then TTOT = TSAT + EXOT

Note, In anticipation of timely data filling, in its application, the X-ACDM application is equipped with the alert feature, i.e. the appearance of a warning when there is a non-compliance of data input with ACDM rules, whether it is an early, late, or otherwise input. Here’s a detailed explanation of the alert.


X-ACDM Alert

Alert is a warning that appears in an application. On an X-ACDM application, it will display an alert when the data input rules do not match the A-CDM process rules, for example: a flight has no data parking stand, a TOBT charging is late, or something else.


Alert Details on X-ACDM Applications
Allert code Rule Action Description
CDM01 airport slot SOBT not available schedule in FPL not equal airport schedule generate flight based on FPL
CDM03 aircraft type discrepancy aircraft type in FPL not equal airport schedule update the FPL or airport schedule
CDM04 Aircraft registration discrepancy registration in FPL not equal airport schedule update the FPL or airport schedule
CDM07 EIBT-EOBT discrepancy if EIBT + MTTT > EOBT delay or check schedule
CDM09 Boarding not started BRD < 10 mins of TOBT start boarding or update TOBT
CDM10 TOBT rejected or deleted 3 TOBT change limit has been reached so TOBT is removed/deleted or delay TSAT (+/-) 5 mins
  • flight (start up) will not be resumed
  • airline/ground handling input new TOBT to resume flight departure
CDM11 Flight not compliant with TOBT/TSAT no info on MS12 at TOBT (+/-) 15 mins update the TOBT
CDM13 No FPL in the system callsign FPL not available in system send FPL data
CDM14 TOBT not valid TOBT > CTOT dep + 10 mins or EIBT >SOBT must input TOBT
CDM101 Divert alert flight Divert FPL update or airport schedule
CDM102 Indefinite holding alert no approach time ELDT update
CDM103 Non-inblock alert If ALDT received, but no AIBT input after EIBT > 5 min AIBT update
CDM104 EOBT-TOBT discrepancy alert EOBT differs (+/-) 15 mins to TOBT TOBT update
CDM105 TSAT before TOBT If CTOT is based on EOBT & TSAT < 5 mins check the validity of CTOT or TSAT
CDM105B TSAT before TOBT TOBT dan TSAT < 5 mins check the validity of CTOT or TSAT
SIBT SIBT turn orange EIBT delay > 1 day
PSTA PST A not allocated input parking stand arrival
PSTD PST D not allocated input parking stand departure
RWA RW A not allocated input runway arrival
RWD RW D not allocated input runway departure
GTA Gate A not allocated input gate arrival
GTB Gate D not allocated input gate departure


X-ACDM Workspace

Workspace is the default page that first appears when accessing the X-ACDM application, is a worksheet page for all users for data input, update and flight data monitoring (ACDM). Some data input features have been integrated with related systems, both from airlines, airnav, and airports. For fields that already support system-to-system integration, data input by the related stackeholders can be done on their (existing) applications and the data will be automatically sent to the X-ACDM system. So in this case, X- ACDM can be used as a monitoring media, focusing on application alerts without repeated data input. As described earlier, the X-ACDM will display all flight data coming from and to all stackeholders. To access and log in the X-ACDM workspace page can be done with the following steps:


X-ACDM Detail Form



Explore on the X-ACDM has functions:

  • Data monitoring and exploration
  • Report download

X-ACDM Dashboard

The X-ACDM dashboard will display a summary of flight data (active, close, arrival, departure, cancel); ACDM-OPT; CTOT, TOBT, and TSAT compliance, as well as runway usage.


X-ACDM Mobile

Our X-ACDM also has mobile application so it is easier for operation activities.