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INALIX > Airport Solutions > Master Clock System

Master Clock System

Inalix Master Clock System (X-MCS) is a centralized time protocol which provides synchronized and accurate time right to the seconds to networks of any size. X-MCS uses a system that utilizes GPS satellites time from all around the world (depends on location) to get an accurate UTC base time and then distributed to all electronic equipment that needs synchronized time in the airport.

X-MCS uses a time server with a highly stable and precise oscillator that is capable of bridging interferences or a temporary loss of reception. With additional time clients (slave clocks) with IP-based and Power-Over-Ethernet (PoE), you’ll never need to adjust for daylight saving time or replace batteries again.

X-MCS main features are as follows:

  • Provides high quality reference time sources
  • NTP or SNTP compatible time server and clients
  • Redundant available
  • Wide range of use for operational equipment such as AODB, FIDS, AAS, ABS, CCTV, other systems that use NTP
Airport Master Clock System